
Discovering the REMOBILISE Mobility Ecosystem

Discovering the REMOBILISE Mobility Ecosystem

This webinar will delve into the rich mobility ecosystems of REMOBILISE partners. Revolving around significant trends and challenges for the sector, each cluster will provide an insight into its own ecosystem and address a specific topic at the heart of its activities (Materials, Power electronics, Hydrogen, Smart Cities, Batteries).

Each intervention will first present the leading local and national actors of the sector, as well as information on the latest developments and arising challenges. For a more concrete understanding, speakers will then highlight ongoing initiatives in each partner’s ecosystem and identify regional/national funding opportunities.


TimePartnerMobility TopicSpeaker
10.40RAI Automotive Industry NLMaterialsBram Hendrix
10.55NextMovePower ElectronicsGeoffroy Martin
11.10Cluster Mobility & LogisticsHydrogen in MobilityKatja Eichinger
11.25MobinovSmart CitiesAna Pereira
11.40Zone ClusterBattery Production and Strategy in HungaryKrisztina Koncz and Marcell Romsics

In Detail

RAI Automotive Industry NL: Materials

In the coming years, the international automotive industry faces the task of further reducing CO2 emissions, both in the use of vehicles on the road and in their production. The weight of vehicles plays an essential role in this. New, natural, and lighter materials, as well as more intensive use of existing materials, such as high-grade steel, aluminum, and the smart processing of these, are the key ingredients for achieving the desired CO2 reduction. The circular organization of the chain and the circular application of components and systems are being accelerated, driven in part by the EU Green Deal.

The diversity of new materials and the combination with existing materials (hybridization) leads to challenges in production. This hybridization requires new processes, handling, and joining methodologies and technologies, while at the same time, production will have to be more (energy) efficient. Another trend in the automotive industry is the ever-increasing personalization of vehicles, series size 1. To keep up with all these developments, or even stay ahead of them, we will have to collectively pick up several innovations. Cooperation is key!

Speaker: Bram Hendrix

NextMove: Power electronics

In a context of rapid electrification and rising needs for efficient power systems, power electronics have become a strategic sector given their essential role in converting power, charging, and controlling electric motors. On the verge between the mobility and electronics sectors, power electronics devices are expected to be present in 100% of the automotive market by 2030. From battery electric vehicles to full hybrids and rechargeable hybrids, all cars sold will have at least one inverter, and at least one DCDC converter, and probably 1/3 of the market will require a high-voltage on-board charger.

At the same time, new semiconductor materials and technologies are generating major transformations, offering more compact, lighter, and higher yielding solutions. The sector is therefore undergoing change both in terms of market share and technology. NextMove is at the forefront of these developments, participating in the common project of the French automotive and electronics sectors aiming to accelerate innovation capacity in France and to become a global leader in the sector.

Speaker: Geoffroy Martin

Cluster Mobility&Logistics: Hydrogen in mobility

The intervention will focus on a relevant initiative: the Cluster Mobility and Logistics innovation network “HY2.ZERO – Mobility needs Hydrogen”, which aims to support the industrialization of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies through new and improved solutions and is thus part of the market ramp-up.

Speaker: Katja Eichinger

Mobinov: Smart Cities

In Europe, Smart Cities are rapidly emerging as urban centers adopt innovative technologies to address urbanization challenges. These cities prioritize sustainability, efficiency, and citizen engagement by investing in IoT, data analytics, and renewable energy solutions. Through collaborative efforts between public and private sectors, European Smart Cities strive to create interconnected, resilient, and inclusive communities, enhancing the overall quality of life for residents.

Speaker: Ana Pereira

ZONE Cluster: Battery production and strategy in Hungary

As battery manufacturing is a crucial component of EV production, there is intense rivalry for these capacities in Europe that must be built up in record time to keep up with the demand. Because of its central geographical location, investments in cell and battery production facilities, the presence of significant automobile manufacturers, and strong supplier sector, Hungary is in a perfect position on the European battery map. Hungary, along with Germany, is becoming one of Europe’s leading producers of lithium-ion batteries.

Speakers: Marcell Romsics & Krisztina Koncz


The REMOBILISE project will provide training and education activities for cluster members to foster their collaboration with relevant actors at local and EU level and offer support for upscaling to the European level.

The trainings will include online learning sessions on various topics that will aim at helping all the actors of the mobility sector to develop skills and knowledge, to successfully establish their position at the European level with adapted guidance.