Holland High Tech Roadmap 2020-2030
Since you are related to the Automotive Industry you know the challenges we are facing in the coming decades. CO2 reduction is by far the most important at this moment for many of us. Where local air quality and traffic safety, in particular regarding vulnerable road users, are top priorities for our society as well. But also with inevitable digitisation impacting our products and business in an unprecedented way. All of these are the ingredients for a complete new Automotive Roadmap, that will be released today. As Chairman of the Automotive Roadmap working group, I can not stress enough the importance of the focal points addressed within this Roadmap for the position of the Dutch Automotive Industry, but also for achieving important societal goals. Subjects like hydrogen as a direct fuel for HD combustion engines, HD hybrid drivetrain technology, and battery and battery-pack technology are of great importance but also sensing, driver assistance, and navigation technology that come from our Dutch industry.
We as a company take the lead in many of these subjects. But we would like to cooperate with Dutch partners in these innovations, although we of course have to look beyond the border. We also count on cooperation with the Dutch government in achieving these very demanding Roadmap challenges.
I hope you get inspired by the new Automotive Roadmap.
HTSM Automotive Roadmap 2020-2030
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Road map 2020-2030 Stakeholder Summary
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