CLEPA is the European umbrella organization for the automotive supply industry. The organization represents 80 prominent suppliers of automotive components, systems and modules, who are direct members. From 19 European countries, 3,000 companies are affiliated through the National Associations.
On behalf of the RAI Automotive Industry NL section, Albie van Buel is a member of the General Board.
Namens de sectie RAI Automotive Industry NL is Albie van Buel lid van het Algemeen BestuurHTSM
Holland High Tech is the top sector High Tech Systems and Materials. Industry, knowledge institutions and governments work intensively together in our ecosystem on innovations in public-private partnerships.
The European Lightweight Association aims to strengthen the competitive position of its member companies and strives to build a pan-European common position in the field of lightweight technology. With the combined strength of all its regions, it will enable small and medium-sized companies in particular, as well as larger companies, to compete successfully in the global market.